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  • A Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies

    A Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies

      A Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies This book is a thorough, straightforward guide to the Bach Flower Remedies and how to both use and understand them. It is written in the language of our time, while still retaining the timeless clarity of Dr. Bach's work. The Bach Flower Remedies are a simple and natural method of healing, which works with the emotional state of a per...

    $ 90.00

  • Bach Flower Remedies Form and Function

    Bach Flower Remedies Form and Function

    Book Description In the 1920s, the physician and homeopath Dr Edward Bach made his great discovery of the healing effects of various flower essences, which resulted in thirty-eight 'flower remedies'. Bach described them as 'bringing courage to the fearful, peace to the anguished, and strength to the weak', but the therapeutic effects of the remedies go beyond emotional states. They a...

    $ 300.00

  • Flower Healing Power -The Bach Flower Therapy from a Spiritual Point of View

    Flower Healing Power -The Bach Flower Therapy from a Spiritual Point of View

     Flower Healing Power -The Bach Flower Therapy from a Spiritual Point of View "The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and open up our channels for the reception of our Spiritual Self, to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us the fault which is causing harm. They are able, like beautiful music, or any gloriously uplifting thing which gi...

    $ 220.00

  • Flower Healing Power 2-The Asian Gateway Flower Essence

    Flower Healing Power 2-The Asian Gateway Flower Essence

      Flower Healing Power 2-The Asian Gateway Flower Essence “They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as snow in the sunshine.”   The Asian Flower Essences are Gateway or Transformation Essences. They are opening doors into higher dimensions and rise the conscio...

    $ 160.00

  • Homeopathic Remedies (Asa Hershoff)

    Homeopathic Remedies (Asa Hershoff)

    BOOK DESCRIPTIONOrganized alphabetically by disorder, this convenient reference clearly describes all you need to know about homeopathy and the treatment of numerous disorders. For each condition, many possible remedies are suggested so you can find the one that most accurately fits your symptoms. From food poisoning to varicose veins, this book provides detailed homeopathic solutions for a wid...

    $ 160.00

  • The Complete Homeopathy Handbook (Miranda Castro)

    The Complete Homeopathy Handbook (Miranda Castro)

    BOOK DESCRIPTIONHomeopathy is an approach to medicine based on the principle that any substance that can cause illness can also be a cure. Centuries old, its practice has always enjoyed wide popularity among individuals looking for safe and effective ways to treat illness as well as to improve their health.The Complete Homeopathy Handbook is the definitive guide for using homeopathic remedies a...

    $ 230.00

  • 疾病的希望—身心整合的療癒力量


     內容簡介  現代有愈來愈多的人,已經看到主流醫學(西醫)的侷限,而渴望一個全新醫學觀的誕生。本書即提出一個強調身心整合的超越性觀點,幫助我們用更正面、積極的角度來聽疾病說話,追求全方位的身心靈健康!    本書從異於主流醫學的觀點來看疾病:把疾病當成最親密、最誠實的朋友,與他對話。願意以這種方式對待身體的人,會發現身體提供了許多自我成長與探索的機 會,這是正統醫學所不能提供的。從這個角度來看,身體的症狀就不再是需要對付(治療)的敵人,反而是幫助我們看見自己的朋友。   書中第一篇即介紹這種全新的身心哲學觀,從對立的世界觀談到合一的宇宙意識,從人類不願面對的自身陰影、善惡、好壞、對錯觀念的問題,引申出為什麼疾病是人的本質,進而探討看待疾病的態度與方法。    第二篇則分別詮釋身體部位和器官出現的症狀可能代表心理層面上的意義。例如「磨牙」的象徵,就是指沒有發作的攻擊性,白天對人生氣而不...

    $ 150.00

  • 貝曲花藥個人專方 (服用瓶)

    貝曲花藥個人專方 (服用瓶)

    Bach Flower Remedy Dosage Bottle (30ml) 貝曲花藥 (巴哈花精) 你提供配方,我們為你調配。30毫升裝,每天四次,每次四滴之服用份量計,約可用30天。 . 例子 你給自己選了 馬鞭草(硬頸)、溝酸漿(膽小)、鳳仙花 (急躁),請剔選本項目產品,然後在購物車畫面底部的框框,填上所需花藥成份 (馬鞭草+溝酸漿+鳳仙花),中、英文均可,我們會為你調配好,然後送到府上。 . 標準規格 德國深褐色玻璃瓶,30毫升裝,內含75%清水、25%法國白蘭地酒,以及由你選擇,英國Healingherbs按貝曲醫生傳統方法採集野外鮮花,由陽光及烹煮法製造而成之最優質花藥。花藥數目不限。 . 花藥介紹 花藥是治療心靈的療劑,它來自於野外的鮮花,經由細心地採集,輕放在清泉水中浸潤,藉太陽光能量的導入,泉水中就盛滿了花的治療力量--就是花藥。 . 貝曲醫師說:「花藥像美麗...

    $ 120.00

  • 雜項


    這項目是用於支付網上商店未有列出的產品/服務。 用法:例如你要付HK$200,請剔選此產品,然後選200件。 要付HK$500,選500件。 如此類推。

    $ 1.00