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Golden Solar Logos Alignment 金太陽調和

$ 198.00


Golden Solar Logos Alignment 金太陽調和

  • 每首曲以108鑼的韻律,帶你進入深層放鬆狀態,幫助睡眠。
  • 適合靜坐或睡眠時聽。
  • 切勿於白天需要工作時,或駕車時收聽。

曲目: 1.重新連結 2.神聖當下 3. 平衡神聖的女性與男性能量 (每首曲約20分鐘)

Golden Solar Logos Alignment

is played only with Gong sound. The very special Golden Bowl has a deep and haunting sound that brings you fast into a deep relaxation and state of meditation. Each track is based on a 108 gong rhythm to give you the most profound meditation experience you can imagine. 

Please don’t listen to this CD in the morning before you have to go to work, you might be spaced out still a few hours and not able to work. This one is ideal for the evening meditation or relaxation for people who can’t sleep.

Tracks: 1. Reconnection - 108 Gongs with the Golden Bowl, 2. Divine Presence - 108 triple Gongs - 3 tones, 3. Balancing the Divine Feminine and Masculine - 108 double Gongs - two tones      (each track ~ 20 min)


Katharina Bless介紹

Katharina Bless 是療癒工作者、靈氣導師、占星學家、銀鴿網絡始創人、Soma Center 創辦人,生於瑞士,現居泰國清萊。


直至三十歲時,她已結婚並育有二個兒女,她劇烈的頭痛數星期,並經歷了瀕死,近乎精神崩潰,當她康復過來後,她參加了一個關於死亡的課程,閱遍了Elisabeth Kubler-Ross的書籍,認識一位靈通人士,確證她了她的過往神祕經驗為真實不虛。


1981年起,她開始講授生命與死亡的課程,更進深研究占星學、塔羅、色光治療、水晶治療、超心理學、貝曲花藥,並於瑞士蘇黎世開設治療中心,治療各式的身心疾患。至1992年,她得到感召,遷居泰國,並於1995開始經營Soma Centre 療癒中心及素食餐廳,多年來曾籌辦多次素食、冥想、整全生活的大型會議。

Katharina誠邀你,參與這個世界的轉化,探索、認識內裡的真我和大潛能。關於Katharina Bless請參見